Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Referee Uniform


Norwell Travel and Recreational Soccer 

Update Availability on Game Officials

The Fall Travel and Recreational regular season for all age goups begins on Saturday September 9, 2017

To  receive assignments, you must update your availability on the Game website.

Refereeing Games in Norwell

All Referees Nust Follow These Requierements

Referee Uniforms:  All referees must wear the same color uniforms.  Norwell referees are required to wear black shirts, black shorts,  and black socks.

Games Times: Referees must arrive 15 minutes before game time and ready.  All games must begin and end on-time.  If teams arrive late, the games should be shortened to end game on-time.  No exceptions.

Fields and Goals:  Referees must check field prior to game and make sure goals are secure.


Grades 1&2 (U8): Size 3

Grades 3&4 (U10) and Grades 5&6 (u12):  Size 4

Grades 7&8 (U14) and Up:  Size 5

Game Times:

U8 (1st & 2nd Graders): 50 minutes that may be played in 25 minutes per half or 12 minutes per quarter (ask coaches’ preference).

U10 (2nd & 3rd Graders): 60 minutes (30 minutes per half)

U12 (5th & 6th Graders): 60 minutes (30 minutes per half)

U14 (7th & 8th Graders): 70 minutes (35 minutes per half)


Offsides must be called for all games starting at the U10 (Grades 3&4) and up. Let’s use the fall season to teach offsides for the U10 players.

Goalie Distribution

For U10 CYSL games only: no goal kicks, punts or throws by the keeper may go over the halfway line before bouncing or touching a player on their own defensive end. If a violation occurs, restart is indirect kick at the halfway line for the opponent.

​For U12 games only, no goal kicks, punts or throws by the keeper may go into the opponent's (modified) penalty area; any violations result in the opponet receiving an indirect kick from the halfway line.


​There is no intentional heading of the ball at the U12 level and below.  Any violations results in the play restarting with the opponent having an idirect kick from the spot of the infraction.  If intentional heading occurs in the penalty area, the restart is an indirect kick outside the penalty area.

Coaches & Parents

Norwell Soccer and CYSL has a zero tolerence policy. Referees do not confront coaches or parents who cause problems, notify a responsible parent on the field and e-mail the Referee Coordinator.   

Players play, coaches coach and parents cheer.

Referee Pre-Game Checklist and Post Game Report

All referees must follow these guidelines prior to every game and at the conclusion of all CYSL Travel Games

Pre-Game Procedures

If you are doing U8, U10, U12, U14, or U16 Games, please remember to:

  • Walk the field and check it to ensure it is safe for play.
  • Check goals to make sure they are secured with sandbags or other anchors.
  • Check nets for any holes; tape if needed.

The following is from the CYSL Game Rules Section

a. Signed Pass cards will be used for all U12, U14 and U16 League games. Passes must be typed and certified (signed) by each Association Registrar or President. Pass cards for all players and coaches require a photograph and ‘lamination.” Signatures, pictures and laminations are recommended for U10 but not required. For U10 games, no pass cards are required, but coaches must have two (2) rosters. U8 games, no pass cards and no rosters are required.

b. Pass cards and two copies of MYSA team roster must be submitted to the referee before each game. If cards and/or rosters are not available, team has until the end of the game to produce missing documents. If they are not available at game’s end, please report this to the referee coordinator and in the post-game report in Game Officials.

c. The Referee will insure that the MYSA team rosters and player pass cards match the players dressed for the game

d. Teams must have a carded coach present at each game, whose responsibilities shall include maintaining control and discipline over the team. Coaches will be issued a coaches pass card with a maximum of two (2) per team. In the event a team appears without a carded coach, a clearly responsible adult substitute, twenty-one (21) years of age or older, with positive identification, will assume the coaching responsibility. The referee shall note the person’s name, address and telephone number on the game roster.

The referee is to keep one copy of each roster and give each coach the opponent’s roster with the score reported on it.

Please remember to play the game and report any discrepancies to me and I will forward to the league.

Post-Game Procedures

At the conclusion of every game, referees shall return pass cards to coaches (U12, U14 and U16 games) and provide the other team’s roster to their opponent with the game score and winner reported on it (U10, U12, U14 and U16 games).

The Referee will keep all players’ pass cards until after the game. In the event of a red card or other ejection, the Referee will retain ejected player(s) pass card(s). The referee shall forward the pass cards and a game report to the Referee Coordinator who will report it to the Standards Committee within three (3) days.

After the game, the center referee will report the score in the Game Officials website.  Also, if there are any Yellow Cards, please report the player name, the number, the town and the cautioned offense.  If there is Red Card, please send me the card and report the player name, number, team and the send off offense.

Please leave the field together; especially, if it is contentious or difficult game.

2015 Spring Season: Fields

Norwell Soccer Association will play games on the following fields:

Pine Street: the field is across from the Norwell Council on Aging; 283 Pine Street.

Osborne Field: the field is next to the Norwell Middle School; 328 Main Street.

East Field: the field is located behind the Norwell Town Hall; 345 Main Street.

Clipper Community Complex at Norwell High School; the fields are located behind the high school; 18 South Street.

In the spring, Norwell High School will be hosting multiple league and district track meets on Saturdays along with an assortment of other high school sporting events.  Parking is restricted to the upper lots near the school.  Please to arrive early to your referee assignments.

 Any questions can be directed to Referee Coordinator.

New Referee Courses

Referee Courses

Massachusetts State Referee Committee (MSRC) regularly announces courses for new referees; course for referee annual recertification; and course for those who want to upgrade their certification. 

To referee USSF certified games (travel soccer U10 and up) in Norwell, referees must be 14 years of age or older and certified through the MSRC.  Beginning in May 2014, the MSRC will be eliminating the grade 9 recreational referee program.  Current grade 9's will maintain their grade 9 status until they turn 14 years old; at which time, you will be required to take the grade 8 referee bridge course or an on-line upgrade course.

The MSRC has additional information, please go to their website at for more information.

If you want to referee games and you have not been certified and want to try it, please contact the Referee Coordinator.

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